Virgo New Moon. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Life’s Deep Mysteries.

September 17th, 2020
Vedic: Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
Western: Sun & Moon at 25°00′ Virgo 
7:00 am EST

New Moon in Western Astrology, in Vedic The Moon resides in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra which is the 12th Lunar Mansion, called “The Star of Patronage” bringing compassion and kindness to the whole of humanity. And isn’t it the compassion and kindness we need the most? This mansion resides in the tail of the Leo constellation but extends itself into the Virgo Constellation for those of you who follow the actual movement of celestial bodies like I do! Today focus on the power of loving kindness, grounded and clear (Virgo attributes as the symbol of Love: life giving and sustaining forces) use your breath to feel into the present, flow, breathing in and out, deeply connected to the unifying source of Universal Love. This Nakshatra may reveal yogic powers and encourage the exploration of life’s deep mysteries… release anything that isn’t serving your focus and inner peace. 

The archetype of Virgo, brings us back to the origins of our civilization and the first accounts of astrology as the cosmic religion. In the ancient Sumer, when astrology followed the movement of celestial objects, like Joytish / Hindu astrology still does, the most important, live-giving deity was known as Inanna, with her symbolism as the Goddess of Love, the most powerful force in the Universe. 

Greek mythology also explains the origins of the Virgo constellation, referring to the Golden Age of humanity after which all the Gods abandoned the Earth, with an exception of Astraea whose name translates as star-maiden. She was a daughter of Astraeus, the Titan-god of the dusk, and Eos, a Titaness and the goddess of the dawn. Astraea remained with humanity until the end of the Silver Age, then as the Bronze Age began she fled to the stars appalled by human rage and greed. She became the constellation Virgo, holding the scales of Justice, which represents the constellation of Libra. The legend says that Astraea will one day come back to Earth, bringing with her the return of the utopian Golden Age… 

Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars