
Virgin Potency, & the Astrofeminist archetypes of womXnhood.


The archetype of Virgo, brings us back to the origins of our civilization and the first accounts of astrology as the cosmic religion. In the ancient Sumer, when astrology followed the movement of celestial objects, like Joytish / Hindu astrology still does, the most important, live-giving deity was known as Inanna, with her symbolism as the Goddess of Love, the most powerful force in the Universe.

In the Studio with NANCY AZARA


“We don’t really know what a woman is, women have been so trained to defer to men – it will be a while before we really see a true feminist or women’s aesthetic,” says Nancy.

UrAna, The Prophetess


The ancestral lineage belonging to the Tree of Life, which emerged from the interstellar dust reflects the interconnectedness of all individuals; we are not alone. If you are aware of the spiritual energies around you, you can open up to the support of the fourth-dimensional consciousness leading you towards the fifth-dimensional state of unconditional Love.

Astral Shamanism


Poetry by Jana Astanov astral shamanism traveling to an ancient future we get a heads-up fromcosmic angelsspace telescopes and starlight penetrating planet-matter, unified consciousness…

Oceanic trance of Moksha and Mokosh


Mokosz, Jadeive, Oceanix, Ix Chel, Yemaya, Goddess of Water, Oceans, Seas calling upon the collective psyche, within the deepest unconscious mind, those salty pools of memory, shaped not by any personal experience, rather genetically transmitted, our human inheritance, shared, and reshaped by each generation. Here we weave, we dance, we sing our final notes of the Piscean era…

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius: Collective Evolution.


Mercury retrogrades are generally marked by a need for extra patience and diligence. However, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, its sign of exaltation, also sheds the light on the goals, hopes and expectations in life. It’s a very good time to examine your ideas and how well they served you, and to what extent you have attained them.



by kelly shaw nyala *snowflake’s* birth is a fat story.  there is sometimes power in keeping things concise, however.  and maybe, honestly, it’s all…