
FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS JUNE 14 2022. Through the Portal of the Collective Field.


The Zen Archer is focused upon long term goals, that is, goals of the cosmic soul, rather than short term, trivial pursuits. Sagittarius is a seeker, always on a quest for knowledge that transcends or that lies beyond the transient and superficial world of human affairs. This is an archetype for a self-taught witch who amalgamated spiritual wisdom over time through raw experiences.

Astrology Consultations


The moment of your birth creates an unique astro chart, a cosmic imprint which is also your roadmap, unfolding throughout your life. It is a key to understanding your strengths and talents but also the obstacles and challenges you’ll find along the way. It reveals the purpose of your life, and how to get there without sabotaging your own efforts.

My Abortion Was Pro-Life (My Life)


Though I wasn’t particularly religious, and had been a pro-choice feminist killjoy my entire life, I never thought that I would personally choose to get an abortion. But here I was, weeping on the bathroom floor, knowing that I stood before a crossroads where both paths ended in death.

Cosmic Portal of the Spring Equinox


Use the cosmic forces to activate, to motivate, and to move-forward! With Aries, a cardinal, fire sign ruled by Mars, we are experiencing a boost of energy helping us to take reality in stride.